Student Ministries

The youth group kids, grades 6th-12th, will be dismissed after worship to go downstairs for Bible study on Sunday morning.  

Our church van is always available to pick up students for church or activities.  Please contact our Youth Director Melody Miller at 317-319-5595 or Pastor Jon directly at 317-417-0784 if you need a ride.
Events and Activities
Our student ministry is unique because of where we are located.  Since we live in a "lake community" we will often have kids join us from all over the state of Indiana. Our activities are inclusive and we always promote fun and fellowship among the different age groups.  To get the latest information about our events, click on the Calendar of Events tab.

Harvestland Children's Ministry


"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35

Dear Parents,

Every Sunday the Harvestland teachers are instructing and equipping your kids with the foundational truth of God's Word. We hope to help children build a strong foundation to rely on as they confront the challenges of today's world. We understand that becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-long journey and we are privileged to be a part of that journey. 

1.  Help children see and understand God's plan for their life.
2. Help every child mature in a loving and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Equip kids with the Word of God through Bible study using the Answers in Genesis curriculum.
4. Help children become less self-focused and more focused on serving God and others.
We begin Sunday morning in the sanctuary, the kids (3 through 5th grade) worship with the adults and then are released by Pastor Jon to go downstairs to Harvestland.  There, they are met by their teachers, have a group lesson in a classroom setting, practice prayer and enjoy fun activities.
Children are expected to be well behaved while in class. Parents will be notified if a problem develops.

After service you are to pick your child up at their classroom.  Note: All children Pre-K through 3rd grade need to be picked up by an authorized adult.

We fellowship through special events and/or parties throughout the year, some of these are:

Pajama Parties
Vacation Bible School
Christmas Program
Valentines Skating Party
Trunk or Treat Festival
Contact Tracy

Harvestland Nursery

Available for children 2 years old or younger

Our santitized and well staffed nursery has plenty of activities for the children.

NURSERY DISMISSAL: After worship, Pastor Jon will dismiss Harvestland, Youth and parents to take their children to the nursery. (Stairs are located through the door at the back of the Sanctuary.)
NURSERY CHECK-IN -When you bring your child(ren) to the nursery, please make sure the staff has your child's Information Card on file. If you are new, please fill out the Information Card before leaving the nursery. You will be provided with a pager when you leave your child in the nursery. Our paging system will give you peace of mind in knowing that if there is a problem, you will immediately be paged. 

Men's Ministry

"As iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another." Proverbs 27:17

Our men's ministry, led by Pastor Jon, meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 for study.  They also meet on the third Saturday of each month at 8:00am for breakfast,  fellowship, devotions and prayer.

Please contact Pastor Jon at the link below if you have questions about either of these meetings. 

Contact Pastor Jon

Guardian Angel Ministry

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10

The "Guardian Angels" are a group of people who look after the needs of our congregation.  They show God's love in tangible ways by taking people to the doctor, helping them after surgery, running errands for them, giving them rides, making meals for them, making phone calls, sending cards, sending care packages, delivering fruit baskets, making home visits, visiting people in the hospital, providing prayer blankets, planning funeral dinners and much much more.

This care ministry is so important to our church family and we would love for more people to serve with us.  If you feel God is leading you to help with any part of this ministry, please contact Kathy Fairchild at 812-350-1935 or 
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